Fun Football (7th & 8th Grade)

Fun Footballers play every Saturday at a different field throughout the Kapiti region, rotating each week.

The 7/8th grades are combined; children of both grades play together. Children at this age aren’t very aware of team involvement and are still very focused on personal achievements.

Fun Football is a programme designed with the developmental stage of the children in mind and focuses on developing core physical skills and technical foundations in a fun and motivational environment.

• Develop dribbling and shooting skills
• Having fun and develop a love of football
• No set teams – mixed teams each week.
• Mastering the ball

Training / Practice

During the football season Fun Football players have training once a week, your training is as follows:
Jim Cooke Park, Nimmo Ave, Waikanae
The training involves the children being split into groups and rotating around game stations. Each station
focuses on a different element of football; General Movement, Football Coordination, Football Technique, Small Sided Games.

Game Day
Each week the Fun Football grade play in a “Football Festival”, this is when the local clubs meet at one of the grounds and the teams play against other clubs. The “Football Festival” rotates around 4 different grounds:
• Campbell Park, The Parade, Paekakariki
• Mazengarb Reserve, Scaife Drive, Paraparaumu
• Jim Cooke Park, Nimmo Avenue, Waikanae
• Haruatai Park, Mill Road, Otaki
The games are a simplified football game with 5 a side, no off-side, no goalies, and no score keeping. The
games last 10 minutes each with no half time and a 2 minute break between games to have a drink and move to the next field.

Game day format:
8:40 Arrive at the correct grounds, allow for difficult parking
8:45 Sorted into teams and allocated coach, and shirt (if required).
9:00 Warm-up with coach
9:10 Games start
Games last 10 minutes each.
Air horn signals end of game, to get a drink and move fields.
10:00 Games finish and Player of the Day certificates awarded. Home time.

Please contract for more information.